逾越節晚宴 Passover Seder
Published by admin on Tue, 01/21/2020 - 11:28逾越節晚餐的敍述:
Narrative for Passover Seder:
It was the climax of His 33 years on earth and certainly the ultimatum that He had to face in the final hours of His life. Beleaguered and stirred by emotional upheaval, Jesus stepped into the Upper Room and sat down with the twelve around Him. Knowing very well the atrocities that will soon befall Him, His pain and sorrow accelerated when He broke bread . His blood vessels began to constrict when He raised up the third cup and told them that "this cup is my blood of the New Covenant"..
Embedded in the story of Exodus from Egypt and the mystery of the blood of the slain lamb on the door post, Jews commemorate annually during the Passover Festival their ancestors escape from slavery to freedom. This year, in the Last Supper, Jesus unveiled the mystery, and fulfilled the whole meaning of Passover
The Passover Seder , for Christians in a real sense, commemorate the beginning of the suffering of Jesus. Next came destiny time in the Garden, where Jesus allowed His human emotion to run loose. This is where the pain started, when He felt the separation from the Father.
Please join us on 8th April to commemorate the 2020 "Feast of Passover" . Open yourself freely to allow our Lord and Savior Jesus Himself to walk you through this whole proceeding before His final run up to the cross.