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June 2014 Prayer Guide - Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign
Published by admin on Wed, 08/06/2014 - 12:39The next global day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign will be on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.
Prayer Points
Today and during the month of June, we ask that you pray with us strategically for the ministry of the ICEJ.
1. Open Doors in Israel
- Many areas in Israel are not yet touched with our testimony of Christian love and comfort
- Ask God to open new doors for us into all segments of Israeli society
- Pray for open doors which no one can shut
- Pray according to Revelation 3:7
2. Open Doors in the Nations
- A large number of churches in many nations still do not care about Israel
- Wouldn’t it be a powerful testimony for Israel if Christians from every single nation of this world would come and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles with us
- Join us in praying for open doors into nations where there is little knowledge about God’s plans for Israel
- Pray according to Colossians 4:3
3. Staffing Needs
- There are a number of specialists needed on our Jerusalem staff; for example, a social media expert, a graphics designer, etc.
- Pray for called and qualified people to join our staff to fill these key positions
- Pray according to Matthew 9:37-38
4. Leadership
- Pray for the leadership of the ICEJ around the world and in our Jerusalem headquarters
- Pray that God opens our minds and hearts to see what He wants to do rather look at our limitations
- Pray according to Ephesians 1:15-23; 3:14-21
5. Financial Support
- Too many times we have to turn down people who ask for support due to a lack of funds
- Pray with us for a significant increase in our financial support in order to bless Israel like never before
- Pray according to 2 Corinthians 9:8
6. An Isaiah 62 Prayer Army
- Prayer needs to be the foundation of our work
- Ask the Lord to raise up a prayer army who pray with us in every single nation of the world
- Ask the Lord for more churches to join us in your own country
- Pray according to Romans 15:30
7. Answer the Call
- If you agree with us and feel in your heart that this vision is from God, ask the Lord what you can do to join us in this great calling
- Pray according to Nehemiah 2:20
8. Share a Word
- Finally, if you feel that the Lord has spoken to you during your time of prayer through a Scripture, a word of knowledge or a prophetic word, please contact us and share it with us
- We love to hear from you!
- Email us
Thank you for your prayers!
Download this month's Isaiah 62 Prayer Guide (PDF) ›
Dear Prayer Partners,
Last month we met in the city of Rome with some 100 of our international leaders gathering together from 40 nations. The purpose of this annual conference is to envision and refocus our ministry according to the agenda we believe that God has placed upon us.
This year's meeting took place under the theme “In one accord". In general, we could look back in thankfulness not only for God granting us another blessed and successful year for our ministry. But He has been faithful for 34 years! In many areas, we saw growth and an increase of influence both in Israel and in the nations.
Therefore, today I want to encourage you to start your prayers by thanking the Lord with us for all the goodness which He has bestowed upon us for more than three decades now.
In Rome, we also felt strongly that the Lord challenged us not just to look back but to look forward and to expect greater things from God. So I want to share with you the vision which God has placed before us over recent months, and which sets us on a godly path for the years ahead.
1. All of Israel
Our primary calling is to be ambassadors of the global body of Christ and, as such, to bring comfort and blessing to Israel. It is a fact that large parts of Israeli society still have never heard that there are Christians around the world who love and care for them. Thus, our goal is to reach every segment of Israel’s society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love.
There is no one living in Israel for whom God does not care and as the Christian Embassy we are called to show our love and concern for all who live in this nation. While of course our call is “to the Jew first”, we see that God also has a plan for the Arabs, Druze, Bedouin and most certainly for the body of Christ in the Land. God wants us to bless Israel in all its sectors, whether it is in the spheres of culture, politics, media, religion or education. No part is excluded and we will strive with God’s help to accomplish this. Our vision and mission is to bless all of Israel!
2. Every Single Nation
God has given us a mandate to be a voice of the global body of Christ towards Israel. Today, through God’s grace, we are reaching believers in some 140 nations with our publications and we have established branches in more than 70 nations. Many Evangelical denominations today see us as their Embassy in Jerusalem, for which we are thankful.
But there is still much to be done. Many churches out in the nations have yet to wake up to their biblical calling to bless Israel. Therefore, our goal is to establish connections to believers and churches in every single country of the world (around 200 in all). We strongly believe the ICEJ should have an active branch in every single nation of this planet!
3. A miracle needed
These two goals are far bigger than us:
a) To reach every segment of Israel’s society with a Christian testimony of love and comfort.
b) To reach and represent denominations, churches and believers from every single nation of our planet who believe in God’s purposes for Israel and the Jewish people.
Humanly speaking it seems impossible to achieve this. However, with God nothing is impossible!
We were excited that the ICEJ international board, association and all our national directors in Rome adopted this vision with great excitement as being from the Lord. By doing so, we have asked the Lord:
“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
(Psalm 61:2)
But we also know that: "If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey." (Numbers 14:8)
I truly do believe that the best days of our ministry are still to come – not because of us but because we serve a faithful and almighty God!
Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
May the Lord bless us all according to the riches of His glory!
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Jürgen Bühler
ICEJ Executive Director